
Given the importance of protecting personal information, SwimmyDesignLab Inc. will strictly comply with the Act on the Protection of Personal Information and strive to protect our customers’ privacy.

Privacy Policy

In order to promote the protection of personal information, SwimmyDesignLab Inc. (hereinafter the “Company”) establishes the following personal information protection policy and a system for the protection of personal information, and ensures that all employees recognize the importance of personal information protection and are thoroughly committed to its implementation.

Collection of Personal Information

You are generally free to browse this website anonymously without inputting or disclosing any information about yourself.
Provided, however, that when registering as a member, purchasing products, or making inquiries, we ask you to provide your name, address, phone number, and email address.

In such cases, we obtain the following information using cookies, etc.

  • the type of device and operating system
  • advertising identifier numbers assigned to each device
  • IP address
  • internet connection information
  • location information
  • referrer information
  • timestamp related to browsing URLs and dates/times
  • information related to service usage
  • server log information.

For the purposes of using the information mentioned above, please refer to “Use of Personal Information”, and for management “Management of Personal Information”.
We will use personal information for the following purposes.

Use of Personal Information

The Company will handle the collected personal information within the scope of the purposes that have been informed or publicly announced.
Generally, the Company use the collected order information to process orders from the website (including processing payment information, arranging for shipping, and providing invoices and order confirmations). The Company also use the order information for the following purposes:
・contacting customers;
・reviewing orders for potential risks or fraud in accordance with the personal information protection policy;
・providing information or advertisements related to our products or services in accordance with the preferences shared by customers;
・making inquiries and confirmation from the Company necessary for business operations, and collecting feedback to improve our services; and
・responding to various inquiries.
The Company uses the collected device information (especially IP addresses) to screen for potential risks and fraud, and improve and optimize the website (for example, by generating analytics about how customers browse and interact with the website, and by assessing the results of our marketing and advertising campaigns).

Management of Personal Information

The Company manages personal information under the framework below. The Company restricts the use of personal information to those who need it for business purposes only and ensure thorough management of the content that includes personal information. Provided, however, that in the course of providing products or services to customers, the Company may provide some personal information to external contractors. In such cases, the Company will manage and ensure that the contractors handle personal information appropriately. Personal information that is no longer needed will be deleted as necessary.
If the Company outsources the handling of personal information to companies outside of our affiliates, the Company will select companies that are recognized as properly handling personal information, and will agree with such companies on matters related to personal information protection including measures for the proper management of personal information, confidentiality, and prohibition of re-provision.

Disclosure of Personal Information

The Company will not disclose personal information to third parties without the consent of the customer. Provided, however, that this does not apply in the following cases: when requested by government agencies, courts, prosecutors, police, bar associations, consumer centers, or other institutes with equivalent authority; when there are special provisions in the law; and when it is necessary to protect or defend the rights, property, or services of our store from actions that violate laws or our terms of use and precautions, and it is not possible to obtain the customer’s consent. Outsourcing to external contractors necessary for transactions with customers such as product delivery by shipping companies does not constitute a third-party disclosure.

Legal Compliance

The Company will comply with laws and regulations regarding the protection of personal information and other related norms.

Scope of Application

The scope of application of the Privacy Policy applies within this website. Basically, the pages including the address fall within the scope of this website. The Company will continue to handle your personal information with care and strive to provide high-quality services to ensure customer satisfaction. We kindly ask for your understanding and agreement regarding the handling of your personal information by the Company.

Changes to Privacy Policy

Any changes to the personal information we collect, the purposes of its use, or any other changes to our privacy policy will be announced through updates to this page.


Currently, the Company does not belong to any accredited personal information protection organizations.
The contact address and email information are as follows for complaints, inquiries and disclosure requests:
Address: SwimmyDesignLab, Inc. 3F Brill Building 7-5
Daikanyama-cho Shibuya-ku Tokyo Japan 150-0034